
Logo by Reyna Gallardo

Like Aphrodite sprung from the seafoam, the shallow dive leaps to faith !!!

Shallow Dive Records is a lo-fi, outsider, diy record label that supports niche artists who are either too weird, marginal or lo-fi to be supported by other labels. For our first release, we launched a campaign to help Sam Empasis, oldened stoner & local hippie karate apprentice, release his debut record on vinyl & compact disc. You can watch the mini-doc we made on Sammy below.
After successfully funding and releasing Sam’s debut record, we have continued the trend by releasing music from weirdos on vinyl, cassette, compact disc, and digitally. We specialize in comps, debut & sophomore releases from anti-cool musicians.
Sam Empasis - ‘The Kidd Returns‘, ‘The Blues Starts Here!’ & ‘Haight Street Kid’ (vinyl, compact disc & digital)
No Boot Straps - ‘an illustration of containment’ (digital)
Rounded - ‘Big Deal’ (cassette, digital)
Superbloom - S/T (digital)
Cool Loge - ‘Snowed In’ (digital)
Rip Florence - ‘DEMOS’, ‘Smash Yer Head on the Junk Rock’, ‘@ the HOSPITAL of rest & DREAMS’, ‘Joy in Living “Say Cheese & Die!!”’, & ‘Berlin Bloos!’ (cassette, compact disc & digital)
Crocodile Tearz - S/T (cassette, digital)
Laurence White - ‘blue eye’ (digital)
Kay - ‘one candlelight’ (digital, compact disc)
Vee Ivy & The Conures - ‘Stamp Collecting’ (digital)
Compilations - ‘The Friction Hug [is a bridge]’, ‘Little Big Town’, ‘Cry of the Fish’, ‘Stay Gold!’ (vinyl, cassette, digital)

Click here to listen


original logo design by Rooney Farris


IG: @ShallowDiveRecords